Discover stories in Migration
Protected Areas Are Falling Short for Migratory Birds
Compared to other species, the world’s nearly 10,000 birds receive a lot of conservation attention. But what if one of our most common conservation tools — protected areas — are failing to protect migratory spe
Migratory Songbirds Transport New Ticks & Pathogens Across the Gulf
New research reveals that neotropical songbirds are transporting an estimated 19 million ticks and tick-borne pathogens to the United States each year.
Blood, Birds, and Ticks
Using data from the Mad Island Marsh bird hotspot, researchers are studying the ticks and tick-borne pathogens birds carry to the United States.
A Day in the Life of A Bird Bander at Mad Island Marsh
A day in the life of a bird bander at the Conservancy’s Mad Island Marsh Preserve.
Ready, Set, Bird: 6 Spring Migration Hotspots
Spring migration is underway, so dust off your binoculars and check out our picks for great spring birding hotspots.
The American Woodcock: Tribute to a Wonderful Wetland Bird
It has 360-degree vision. It binges on worms. And its spring mating ritual includes some of the funkiest dance moves in the bird world. Meet the American woodcock, a.k.a. timberdoodle.
In Synch: Char & Salmon Migrations in Warming Waters
In Southeast Alaska, salmon are changing their annual migration patterns due to warming waters. Will one of their main predators -- Dolly Varden char -- adapt to the change?
Enjoy the Fall Migration: Your Guide to Bird Observatories
The fall bird migration is underway. And there's no better way to enjoy the spectacle -- and help science -- than to visit a bird observatory near you. Ornithologist Joe Smith gets you started.
Wind Turbines and Birds: What’s the Real Story?
Cats and window collisions kill more birds, but that doesn't mean conservationists should ignore the effects of wind turbines. Blogger David Mehlman takes a look at the science, and finds significant impacts to both birds and bats.
Mule Deer Capture: Radio Tracking Provides Critical Conservation Data
Radio tracking provides critical data as conservationists try to map mule deer migrations. But first they have to put a radio collar on the deer. Conservation scientist Holly Copeland joins a team to capture mule deer for conservation.
Platte River Sandhill Cranes: Enjoying North America’s Greatest Bird Spectacle
Each year, more than 500,000 cranes congregate along 70 miles of Nebraska's Platte River. Want to see one of the world's great wildlife spectacles? Our blogger takes you to the heart of the action.