Discover stories in Mammals
The Yeti: A Story of Scientific Misunderstanding
Science has laid to rest any “evidence” of the Yeti, but perhaps it has always overlooked the myth.
Urban Leopards Can Save Lives By Eating Feral Dogs
Having a leopard as a neighbor has risks, but it may also reduce rabies risk.
Strange and Unbelievable Facts About Shrews
The shrew is one of the most ferocious and bizarre predators, and it's probably roaming near you.
Meet the Takin: The Largest Mammal You’ve Never Heard Of
Meet the 700-pound mammal that resembles something Luke Skywalker would ride.
The Mountain Lion in the Window
The subject of the message was: OMG! Mountain Lion Kitten in Window Well!!!! And really, it just got more interesting from there.
Can Pine Squirrels Change the Evolution of a Forest?
Could the loud but small pine squirrel have an outsized impact on how Western U.S. forests look?
The Remarkable Story of How the Bison Returned to Europe
Yes, the bison roams across Europe. And the story of its conservation rescue may be even more dramatic than that of its American counterpart.
Traditional Knowledge Helps Monitor Threatened Bilbies on Martu Country
Scientists and indigenous rangers are designing a new method for monitoring threatened bilby populations in Australia's Martu country.
How Can the Pronghorn Cross the Fence?
Pronghorns may be the second fastest land mammal on earth, but a simple fence can stop them in their tracks.
Tips for Seeing Wolves and Bears in Yellowstone
Want to see a gray wolf, black bear or grizzly in Yellowstone? Expert tips for making the most of your predator spotting adventure.
The Weird Tale of the Carrion-eating Swamp Wallaby
Have you ever observed a macropod consuming carrion? Share information about your own sightings, below.
The Cutest US Mammal You’ve Probably Never Seen
Meet the ringtail: the off-the-charts cute critter that could be hiding in your neighborhood.