The Real Reason You See Earthworms After Rain

It’s not what you think.

Matthew L. Miller

Can Cities Replace Wildlands for Pollinators?

New research shows that green space in cities could provide vital habitat for pollinators.

Christine Peterson

In Pictures: Saving Papua New Guinea’s Sea Cucumbers

View photographs from our reporter’s journey to Manus, where local communities are taking sustainable sea cucumber management into their own hands.

Justine E. Hausheer

Monarchs Are Disappearing in the Western US. What’s Happening?

Migrating western butterflies declined 85 percent between 2017 and 2018. What’s going on?

Kris Millgate

Sustainable Sea Cucumbers: Saving the “Gold Bars” of the Ocean

In Papua New Guinea, a tribal network is taking sustainable management of sea cucumber fisheries into their own hands.

Justine E. Hausheer

George’s Long Farewell: Why One Snail’s Death Became International News

The death of a colorful snail named George draws international attention over the plight of vanishing species.

Christine Peterson

Could Spider Silk Become a Natural Replacement for Plastic?

Ounce for ounce, a spider web is one of the strongest structures on earth. Could it change our world?

Christine Peterson

The Bizarre and Disturbing Life of Sea Cucumbers

Sea cucumbers are absolutely fascinating, despite an utter lack of charisma.

Justine E. Hausheer

11 Wildly Colored Moths to Brighten Your Day

A celebration of the beauty of moths.

Kelsey Roseth

Prairie Dogs and Black Widows

There’s a lot more going on in prairie dog towns than meets the eye.

Kris Millgate

Bed Bugs: When Biodiversity Bites

Conservationists want to coexist with the earth’s creatures, but not when they move into bed.

Matthew L. Miller

Reefs Like Zombies?

Coral reefs, parrotfish, climate change, Michigan tourists, and, well, zombies.

Cara Cannon Byington