Owl Underground: A Summer Encounter with Burrowing Owls

A hoot in the heat: meet the little owl that lives underground.

Kris Millgate

How Did Birds Get So Colorful?

Help scientists answer questions about bird plumage like, how colorful are birds? How quickly does plumage color evolve? Are changes in plumage color associated with the origins of new species?

Lisa Feldkamp

Could Prairie Chickens Come Booming Back?

Prairie chickens were once so abundant in the Great Plains that they were hunted for the market and shipped by the trainload to New York City. Could prairie restoration bring them booming back?

Lisa Feldkamp

Curlews for Conservation: Tracking a Migratory Grassland Bird

Long-billed curlews are kings of camouflage, but tracking them reveals their nesting and migratory habits.

Kris Millgate

Bird Advisor: One Intrepid Birder Reviews Historic Sites

Hugh Possingham is bird obsessed, while his wife Karen loves world history. Read on for their reviews of seven world heritage sites... which may or may not be good for birds.

Justine E. Hausheer

A Bird Blitz for Nature Conservancy Lands and Waters

The second Conservancy-wide Bird Blitz launches, counting birds on Conservancy-protected lands and waters.

Marissa Ahlering

Recovery: Transition of the Zoo from Jail to Ark

Some still deride zoos as “prisons” – but in reality they have become an important force for conservation.

Ted Williams

Fall in Love with the American Kestrel on Our Nest Cam

Bird cams are a lot of fun, and kestrels in particular are fiercely cute and fascinating. A sneak peek into the lives of American kestrels.

Sara Wetmore

Birding for People Who Do Not Like Lists

You don’t need spread sheets and life lists to enjoy birds.

Matthew L. Miller

Recovery: Saving a Woodpecker Through Research & Ingenuity

The red-cockaded woodpecker was once a symbol of “endangered birds versus people.” But the bad old days are over.

Ted Williams

A Harlequin Duck’s Long Cross-Country Migration

The first-ever documented record of a Pacific Coast Harlequin Duck migrating to the Atlantic Coast.

Derek Rogers

Are Bird Feeders Helping Cardinals Expand Their Range?

Backyard birders are documenting the continued expansion of the northern cardinal's range.

Matthew L. Miller