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Four Crazy Ways Cool Creatures Survive Cold Winters
From urine recycling to hibernation on demand, here’s how four critters survive snow and frigid weather in style.
Christine Peterson
Can Pine Squirrels Change the Evolution of a Forest?
Could the loud but small pine squirrel have an outsized impact on how Western U.S. forests look?
Christine Peterson
Five Endangered Species Recoveries You’ve Never Heard Of
Five successes of the Endangered Species Act worth celebrating.
Christine Peterson
The Cactus Smuggler: Are Desert Plants Being Loved to Extinction?
Across their range, cacti are disappearing. The number one culprit? Illegal collecting. A look at the cactus smuggling trade.
Christine Peterson
The Four Biggest Hazards Facing Monarch Butterflies, and How You Can Help
A recent scientific paper argues that monarch butterflies are at risk of “quasi-extinction.” But what does this mean? Our blogger breaks down the issues facing butterflies.
Christine Peterson
Ten Strange, Endearing and Alarming Animal Courtship Rituals
To celebrate humans' holiday of love and romance, our blogger asked biologists for tales of fascinating animal mating habits. Here are some of the strangest and most endearing.
Christine Peterson
The Ten Creepiest Spiders of North America
Spider, spider on the wall, who's the creepiest of them all? Scientists share their picks for the best spiders on the continent -- the most aggressive, the rarest, the most venomous, even the prettiest. Yes, the prettiest.
Christine Peterson