Discover stories in Protect Land & Water
How Wild Predators Can Improve Human Health
Wild predators are almost always painted as the villain in myth and popular culture, but the truth is that predators are key for healthy ecosystems, and even healthy people.
Illegal Logging & Energy Shortages Pressure Myanmar’s Forests
Facilitated by organized crime, illegal logging threatens to destroy Myanmar’s forests. But a national energy crisis and the ensuing fuelwood demand pose an equal threat.
New Research: Savanna Burning for Global Emissions Reductions
New research from The Nature Conservancy demonstrates that savanna fire management has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Recovery: The Salvation of Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge
Invasive rats, goats and even monkeys had overrun the national wildlife refuge, turning it into an ecological wasteland. But there’s hope.
Give Me Shelter
Our writer is in Cape May during fall migration. She could be birding, so why is she climbing around on a roof without her binoculars instead?
Reef Cam: An Underwater View of an Australian Rocky Reef
Check out a live underwater view of a rocky reef in Melbourne, Australia, and then watch the gannet cam above the surface!
Fish Tales: Sourcing Recreational Fisheries Data from Newspaper Records
Scientists successfully used historical newspaper records to gather data on recreational fishing in Australia's Noosa Estuary, revealing declines in the fishery over time.
New Protections & Tagged Turtles Provide Hope for the Arnavon Islands
A second round of satellite-tagged turtles provides more migration data, while the Arnavons rookery receives new protections to help prosecute poachers.
Forest Soundscapes Hold the Key for Biodiversity Monitoring
New research from Nature Conservancy scientists indicates that forest fragmentation drives distinct changes in the dawn and dusk choruses of forests in Papua New Guinea.
How Can the Pronghorn Cross the Fence?
Pronghorns may be the second fastest land mammal on earth, but a simple fence can stop them in their tracks.
Satellite-Tagged Sharks Provide New Data on Gulf Migrations
Follow Nature Conservancy scientists as they tag sharks in the Gulf of Mexico to better understand their migration.
Welcome to the Sea Turtle Rodeo
Join scientists and community rangers on a “turtle rodeo” to tag juvenile green turtles in the Solomon Islands.