Six Spectacular Places to Experience the Sagebrush Sea

Six places to visit the stunning sagebrush sea, as recommended by TNC staff working to protect this biologically rich landscape.

Matthew L. Miller

50 Fish, 50 States: Cutthroat Connections

A search for native cutthroats offers connections in a crazy year.

Matthew L. Miller

Reducing the Speed Limit Won’t Make Roads Safer for Wildlife

Not so fast: reducing speed limits may seem an easy way to reduce wildlife road deaths, but research suggests otherwise.

Corinna Riginos

Can Pine Squirrels Change the Evolution of a Forest?

Could the loud but small pine squirrel have an outsized impact on how Western U.S. forests look?

Christine Peterson

Watching a Baby Bison Die

This spring, well-meaning tourists tried to rescue a Yellowstone bison calf from the cold. It didn’t end well. What happens when we put our human narratives on the wild.

Kris Millgate