Biophilic Cities For An Urban Century

What use is nature in the urban century?

Rob McDonald

When Domestic Birds Go Wild

When free-range poultry takes on a whole new dimension.

Matthew L. Miller

From Palmyra to the Pacific: Realigning a Rainforest

Getting rid of the rats on Palmyra was only the beginning.

Cara Cannon Byington

Fish Fence: Yard Décor Becomes Lionfish Control

Lattice fencing offers a new hope in controlling the lionfish invasion.

Kris Millgate

Black Witch Moths: A Night-Time Trick or Treat

Black witch moths are dramatic creatures, feared in some cultures, celebrated in others.

Ken Keffer

When Logging Stops, Does Biodiversity Benefit?

Protecting logging concessions could be a valuable tool for biodiversity conservation.

Justine E. Hausheer

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Deformed Beaks: What We Know About An Alarming Bird Disease

Have you seen a bird with abnormally long and deformed beak? Here’s what’s happening.

Lauren D. Pharr

Heat Exposure From Deforestation Decreases Cognitive Performance of Rural Workers

New research shows that the associated heat exposure is harming the cognitive performance of rural subsistence workers.

Justine E. Hausheer

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Black Deer: Have You Seen This Rare Color of a Common Animal?

Black, or melanistic, white-tailed deer are a rare sight. Here’s what you need to know.

Matthew L. Miller

Natural Forest Regrowth Works for Climate Change Mitigation

One of the most powerful ways trees can help mitigate global climate change may also be one of the most overlooked: letting nature takes its course.

Cara Cannon Byington

Story type: TNC Science Brief

A Field Guide to Freshwater Fish Watching

Your guide to enjoying the fish in your local stream.

Matthew L. Miller

The Rainbows of Bristol Bay

Research on the rainbow trout of Bristol Bay reveals the complexity of this watershed.

Matthew L. Miller