Discover stories in Environments
Mapping Monitoring Zero-Deforestation Commitments
How do companies translate zero-deforestation commitments into action?
The End of Trash Fish
It’s time to put the idea of “trash fish” where it belongs—in the trash.
Camera Trapping As Mainstream Nature Activity
More enthusiasts turn to camera trapping to connect to the wildlife that roams when they aren’t looking.
Why Do House Finches Love Your Hanging Plants?
House finches have become a backyard favorite. And they may even take up residence in your hanging plants.
Crawling with Crickets: The Insect Swarm of the Western US
Across the west, this large, occasionally cannibalistic insect swarms by the millions.
Electronic Monitoring Could Be Key for Data-Poor Longline Fisheries
Electronic monitoring can provide much-needed data on catch and discards on longline tuna fisheries.
Burrowing Owls Face an Uncertain Future
Why are burrowing owls declining? Research and hope for the underground owl of the Americas.
Can Kelp Help Mussel Farms Thrive?
Scientists in New Zealand and the United States are using everything from GoPros to kitchen sponges to study the ecological benefits of kelp farms.
Satellite Tracking Leads to Action for Hawksbill Sea Turtles
New science on hawksbill sea turtles in the Solomon Islands provided critical information to strengthen protection for turtles on their nesting grounds.
Giving Black Rhinos Their Space in Northern Kenya
In Kenya, black rhinos need more space, and a community conservancy offers hope.
Aquaculture Adds Value to Habitat
Bivalve and seaweed farming systems result in measurable increases in fish and invertebrate abundance and diversity.
Beach Safety Tips: How To Avoid Being Bitten or Stung This Summer
Know the habits of sea creatures to stay safe at the beach.