How To: Go Snow Day Birding (with Merlin)

Or how I learned to love winter wildlife watching (with a little help from technology and the perfect pair of mittens.)

Cara Cannon Byington

Meet the Channel-billed Cuckoo, the World’s Largest Brood Parasite

Summer in eastern Australia means one thing: the arrival of the channel-billed cuckoos, the world’s largest brood parasite and one very cool bird.

Justine E. Hausheer

Backyard Bioblitz: How to Be A Citizen Scientist in Your Backyard

A bioblitz is a nature scavenger hunt, for science. Here are our tips to DIY a bioblitz from your very own backyard.

The Editors

Connect to Nature Near You: 4 Fun + Informative (+Free) Apps

Looking for free and informative mobile apps to help you connect with nature near you wherever you are? We've got you covered. Pristine natural areas not required.

Cara Cannon Byington

Bird Alert: The Search for Local Rarities

Searching for local rare birds is a mainstay of birding culture. Here’s an overview to get you started.

Matthew L. Miller

8 Birds to Spark a Kid’s Interest in Nature

Meet the birds that can ignite a lifelong interest in the natural world.

Matthew L. Miller

Want to Improve Your Outdoor Recreation? Try Birding.

It’s possible to enjoy time outdoors without paying attention to birds. But it’s a lot less fun.

Matthew L. Miller

A Simple Thing You Can Do to Benefit Backyard Birds and Bees

It’s time to ease up on the spring clean-up to help pollinators and other local wildlife.

Matthew L. Miller

Want to See Wild Predators? Follow the Prey

Want better quality wildlife sightings? Follow our tips, and you can see predators in action in your local neighborhood.

Matthew L. Miller

Want To Help Researchers Understand Fireflies?

Take a new look at the flashing fireflies in your backyard.

Matthew L. Miller

BirdCast: It’s Like a Weather Forecast, But for Birds

BirdCast provides real-time predictions of bird migrations: when birds are migrating, where they’re going, and how far they’re flying.

Justine E. Hausheer

A Beginner’s Guide to Butterfly Watching

Want to get started in butterfly watching? Here are some to see in your backyard.

Ken Keffer