Mad Island: Fire Restores Prairie on the Texas Gulf Coast

To restore the prairie, you have to burn it.

Matthew L. Miller

What It’s Like to Document California’s Disappearing Kelp Forests

Documentary filmmaker Tyler Schiffman turns his camera onto the people rushing to save a marine ecosystem on the verge of collapse.

Jenny Rogers

What Happens When You Expose an Oyster to Crab Pee?

To build stronger oyster reefs, scientists are scaring them with one of their fiercest predators: blue crabs.

Jenny Rogers

Small Land Holders Can Lead the Way in Tropical Tree Cover Restoration

Science shows that when it comes to tropical forest restoration at scale, small landholders matter. A lot.

Cara Cannon Byington

Story type: TNC Science Brief

In These Cheatgrass-Infested Hills

How do we approach degraded lands? What role do they play in our conservation conversations? How do we value them? And does it matter?

Matthew L. Miller

Can We Save the Olympia Oyster by Eating It?

Conservation aquaculture offers hope for oyster populations.

Natalie van Hoose

A New Database to Drive Seabird Conservation

A new database will help protect the world's most imperiled group of birds.

Justine E. Hausheer

Where There’s Smoke: Wildfire, Forest Restoration and Human Health

A new paper argues forest health and human health should not be viewed as separate concerns when it comes to wildfires.

Matthew L. Miller

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Protecting and Restoring the Floodplain Forest

Floodplain forests are among the most biologically rich habitats, but they’re critically imperiled.

Matthew L. Miller

Oyster Hatcheries Help the Industry Adapt to Climate Change

How can the shellfish industry adapt to the challenges posed by climate change?

Hannah Packman

Can Offshore Wind Development Enhance Fish Habitat?

In addition to providing clean energy, a new report demonstrates that wind turbines can also enhance fish and marine life habitat by incorporating nature-based design principles.

Matthew L. Miller

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Rebalancing Water and Land Use for Nature and People in California

Examining how ecological restoration efforts – rewilding – could recover the San Joaquin’s natural diversity and ensure the long-term health and productivity of farms and the local communities they support.

Cara Cannon Byington

Story type: TNC Science Brief