Discover stories in Wildlife
How a Black Bear Wakes Up from a Long Winter’s Nap
A black bear spends the winter without eating, drinking, urinating or defecating. And yet it emerges strong as ever.
Recovery: Saving a Woodpecker Through Research & Ingenuity
The red-cockaded woodpecker was once a symbol of “endangered birds versus people.” But the bad old days are over.
The Yeti: A Story of Scientific Misunderstanding
Science has laid to rest any “evidence” of the Yeti, but perhaps it has always overlooked the myth.
Saving Terrapins From Drowning in Crab Traps
Diamondback turtles were swimming into crab traps and dying. And there was an easy fix - or so it appeared.
A Harlequin Duck’s Long Cross-Country Migration
The first-ever documented record of a Pacific Coast Harlequin Duck migrating to the Atlantic Coast.
Are Bird Feeders Helping Cardinals Expand Their Range?
Backyard birders are documenting the continued expansion of the northern cardinal's range.
Hummingbirds Make an Incredible Journey North
It’s time to think about hummingbirds? Now? Yes! Watch for the green shimmer in your yard and report it to help protect these feisty migratory birds.
After 250 Years of Dams, Rhode Island River Restored for Migratory Fish
The last time fish could migrate unimpeded on the Pawcatuck River, George Washington was a surveyor, not a president.
Fast, Cheap, and Collaborative: Expert BioBlitzes Meet Conservation Needs
Scientists and conservation practitioners come together to plan and execute rapid, field-based surveys to generate conservation-relevant data.
Urban Leopards Can Save Lives By Eating Feral Dogs
Having a leopard as a neighbor has risks, but it may also reduce rabies risk.
Four Impressive Bird Migrations You Can Watch from Your Neighborhood
Keep an eye out for these four migrants at a backyard or city park near you.
Strange and Unbelievable Facts About Shrews
The shrew is one of the most ferocious and bizarre predators, and it's probably roaming near you.