Discover stories in Wildlife
True Grit: Adventures in Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Research
Researcher Lauren Pharr enters the intense realm of woodpecker research – and climbing trees.
Satellite Tracking Leads to Action for Hawksbill Sea Turtles
New science on hawksbill sea turtles in the Solomon Islands provided critical information to strengthen protection for turtles on their nesting grounds.
Buffered by Bears: Why Foxes Hang Out Near A Top Predator
A new study suggests gray foxes use bears as a coyote buffer.
Mammals, Wildlife Trade + the Next Global Pandemic
Scientists report a strong association between wildlife trade and zoonotic disease risk with 25% of mammal species in the trade hosting 75% of viruses known to be transmissible between animals and humans.
Giving Black Rhinos Their Space in Northern Kenya
In Kenya, black rhinos need more space, and a community conservancy offers hope.
Move Over Bald Eagle: Meet 12 of the World’s Coolest National Birds
National birds can be endangered species, literary favorites or just epic birds. Meet some of the coolest.
There’s a Wolverine in My Neighborhood (App)
The peril (and promise?) of wildlife misinformation on social media.
6 Surprising Tales of Predatory Birds
Pelicans gulping pigeons, herons swallowing alligators and other weird feeding behaviors among our feathered friends.
There’s a Cicada in My Ear
File this Under: Adventures in Cicadas and the Anatomy of a Human Ear, or Hearing Loss is a Small Price to Pay for Taxonomic Certainty
Follow Me Down the Brood X Tunnel: A Reading List
Wondering what all the Brood X Periodic Cicada fuss in the U.S. is about? Have questions? One of the stories here probably has the answers.
9 Cool Freshwater Fish You’ve Never Heard Of
Do you know the hardhead? The chiselmouth? Celebrate freshwater biodiversity with these cool fish.
Move Over, Cicadas: 5 Other Great North American Wildlife Hatchings (and Emergences)
Cicadas are in the news, but here are 5 other natural spectacles to catch.