Strange and Unbelievable Facts About Shrews

The shrew is one of the most ferocious and bizarre predators, and it's probably roaming near you.

Matthew L. Miller

How an Alaskan Earthquake Caused Fish to Spawn in Death Valley

At first glance, the Devils Hole pupfish would rightly be considered one of the most isolated creatures on earth, but the broader world touches the pupfish in surprising ways. Everything's connected.

Matthew L. Miller

Meet the Takin: The Largest Mammal You’ve Never Heard Of

Meet the 700-pound mammal that resembles something Luke Skywalker would ride.

Matthew L. Miller

Australian “Firehawk” Raptors Intentionally Spread Wildfires

At least three Australian raptor species intentionally spread wildfires by carrying smoldering branches to unburnt areas, according to a new paper that confirms long-held traditional Aboriginal knowledge.

Justine E. Hausheer

Fantastic Fecal Phenomena of the Animal World

Where there is life, there is also poop. And that’s where things get interesting. Read on for seven incredible tales of excrement from the natural world.

Justine E. Hausheer

Four Crazy Ways Cool Creatures Survive Cold Winters

From urine recycling to hibernation on demand, here’s how four critters survive snow and frigid weather in style.

Christine Peterson

Meet The Magnificently Weird Mola Mola

Meet the Mola mola (aka sunfish), quite possibly the weirdest fish in the sea.

Justine E. Hausheer

Gar Wars: A Fish Force Awakens

A gathering force of fish conservationists is changing the narrative around gar, an ancient fish too long accused of crimes it didn’t commit.

Matthew L. Miller

Restoring Beavers by Plane and Automobile

Parachuting beavers? The remarkable story of restoring nature’s engineers.

Kris Millgate

The Millipede That Protects Itself with Cyanide

Cyanide millipedes use chemical warfare to ward off predators. They also make critical nutrients available in forest ecosystems, and yet these amazing critters are understudied.

Lisa Feldkamp

Tongue Orchids & Corpseflowers: 7 Insanely Weird Plant Species

Meet the plant that eats shrew poo, the orchid that has sex with itself, and the embarrassingly phallic titan arum.

Justine E. Hausheer

10 Really Weird Animals of the Anthropocene

From cloned wolves to high-cholesterol foxes to radioactive pigs, we look at the weirdest creatures now roaming the age of humanity.

Matthew L. Miller