Satellite Tracking Leads to Action for Hawksbill Sea Turtles

New science on hawksbill sea turtles in the Solomon Islands provided critical information to strengthen protection for turtles on their nesting grounds.

Justine E. Hausheer

Story type: TNC Science Brief

Move Over, Cicadas: 5 Other Great North American Wildlife Hatchings (and Emergences)

Cicadas are in the news, but here are 5 other natural spectacles to catch.

Robert Annis

For Transplanted Tortoises, Who Lives and Who Dies?

Research into the survival of desert tortoises holds keys for successful assisted climate migration.

Kris Millgate

There’s a Python Living in My Rain Gutter

Pythons in the house?! When a birdfeeder attracts more than just birds.

Justine E. Hausheer

An Encounter with Mating Gopher Snakes

Observing snakes is sure to wake you out of a trail-run trance.

Matthew L. Miller

Recovery: A Plague of Bullfrogs

Bullfrogs are wondrous creatures – until they’re introduced outside their native range.

Ted Williams

Book Review: Secrets of Snakes

David Steen’s Secrets of Snakes will put to rest some of the myths you keep repeating.

Matthew L. Miller

Recovery: Saving Mark Twain’s Famous Frog

There’s good news about amphibians, and it’s an important antidote for hopelessness.

Ted Williams

A Field Guide to Commonly Misidentified Snakes

Snake expert and biologist David Steen helps you determine what that snake is. Spoiler: It’s not always a copperhead or cottonmouth.

David A. Steen

Wrapping Trees to Find Reptiles

Scientists are searching for rare reptiles by wrapping trees with yoga-matt-like foam.

Justine E. Hausheer

The Iguana Invasion

The green iguana invades Florida’s natural areas – and swimming pools.

Lisa Ballard

Recovery: A Future for Wood Turtles

Wood turtles face a host of threats, including public recreational access. But there’s hope.

Ted Williams