Discover stories in Biodiversity
Lost Orchid Found: Flower “Extinct” Since 1902 Blooms
An amateur naturalist finds a plant that’s been “extinct” for more than a century.
Where to See a Moose
A moose spotter’s guide to the best parks and preserves.
It’s a Trap: Managing Cowbirds to Save Songbirds
Trapping cowbirds may be necessary to protect some songbird species. But when is trapping too much?
10 Weird Australian Marsupials You’ve Never Heard Of
Some of Australia’s coolest species are ones that few people know about.
Resilience and Stability on Palmyra’s Coral Reefs
In hopeful news, coral reefs at Palmyra Atoll show long-term stability, recovery and resilience, despite two bleaching events within the last decade.
Finding Mini Frogs: These Aren’t Babies, They’re Just Little
They aren’t babies; they're just very small. Six new mini frogs discovered in Mexico.
How to Remove Skunk Scent (And No, It’s Not Tomato Juice)
Did your pet have a run-in with a skunk? Here’s a three-ingredient recipe that actually works to remove the stench. No tomato juice required.
Wildlife Bedtime: Weird Nesting Habits of North American Wildlife
From spider sleeping bags to snake cuddles, the wildlife find interesting ways to retreat and rest.
8 Cool Wild Cats You Probably Don’t Know
Move over lions and tigers. Meet these cryptic but cool wild cats.
8 Conservation Writing Awards for Cool Green Science
In 2022, Cool Green Science stories won 13 awards from the Outdoor Writers Association of America. Check them out!
How Scientists Fish: The Hand Line
On Palmyra Atoll, getting big fish on board quickly relies on an old fishing tool: the hand line.
A New Database to Drive Seabird Conservation
A new database will help protect the world's most imperiled group of birds.