How To See More Wildlife

Wildlife watching is a skill that can be learned. Here are some tips to get you started.

Matthew L. Miller

Why Do We Hate Trash Birds?

Gulls. House sparrows. Starlings. Rock pigeons. Canada geese. These species are often derided as trash birds. But why do birders dismiss them so easily?

Justine E. Hausheer

Why Are You Seeing Lots of Vultures Now?

Large flocks of vultures are circling, but it’s probably not because something is dead.

Christine Peterson

An Introduction to Bird Banding

Bird banding has become one of the most useful tactics in bird conservation. Here’s what you need to know.

Lauren D. Pharr, Annie M. Lindsay, and Christopher E. Moorman

Shrinking Birds with Longer Wings?

Are the shrinking body sizes of birds connected to climate change, or something else?

Kris Millgate

Why Do House Finches Love Your Hanging Plants?

House finches have become a backyard favorite. And they may even take up residence in your hanging plants.

Lauren D. Pharr

Three New Field Guides for Bird & Weather Nerds

Here are three great new field guides that will teach you everything you've ever wanted to know about weather phenomena, how to identify bird nests, and the ins and outs of bird families of North America.

Justine E. Hausheer

Burrowing Owls Face an Uncertain Future

Why are burrowing owls declining? Research and hope for the underground owl of the Americas.

Christine Peterson

True Grit: Adventures in Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Research

Researcher Lauren Pharr enters the intense realm of woodpecker research – and climbing trees.

Lauren D. Pharr

Move Over Bald Eagle: Meet 12 of the World’s Coolest National Birds

National birds can be endangered species, literary favorites or just epic birds. Meet some of the coolest.

Ken Keffer

6 Surprising Tales of Predatory Birds

Pelicans gulping pigeons, herons swallowing alligators and other weird feeding behaviors among our feathered friends.

Matthew L. Miller

Kestrel Cam: A Story from Egg to Falcon

It’s an intimate moment. On this mid-morning in late May, the sun is just creeping through the hole in the […]

Larisa Bowen