Siddharth Narayan is a coastal engineer and the Lloyd’s-TNC Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California Santa Cruz.He works on the interactions between coastal engineering, ecology and morphology with a focus on coastal flood risk analysis and management.
Siddharth Narayan
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Coastal Wetlands Prevented $625M in Property Damage During Hurricane Sandy
Put a dollar value on it: engineers, ecologists and risk modelers team up to measure the value of coastal wetlands for reducing hurricane risk.
Siddharth Narayan and Mike Beck
How Much Do Wetlands Reduce Property Damage During Hurricanes?
A Collaborative Study with the Insurance Industry Four years ago this month, Hurricane Sandy devastated much of the US Atlantic […]
Siddharth Narayan
The Effectiveness, Costs and Coastal Protection Benefits of Natural and Nature-Based Defenses
A global synthesis of field measurements shows that coastal habitats – particularly coral reefs and mangroves, can be physically and economically effective at protecting coastlines.
Siddharth Narayan