Marty Downs
All Stories from Marty
Safe(r) Spaces for Species under Climate Change
Climate change might change everything for conservation. How can we protect biodiversity as species move & adapt? New study says conserve "flexible" landscapes.
Marty Downs
Getting the Best Value for Conservation in Africa
Making smart conservation investments in Africa: a return-on-investment framework allows transparent data-driven comparisons across multiple habitats.
Marty Downs
Coasts at Risk Report Expands Thinking on Natural Hazards
Nature has an important role in preparing for, and recovering from, natural disasters on coasts around the world. A new report substantiates the link.
Marty Downs
CSI Channel Islands: Can the Island Scrub-jay Help to Think about Climate Change?
Solving the mystery of Santa Rosa's island scrub-jays could refine thinking on how to manage vulnerable species under climate change.
Marty Downs
Coral Reefs Soften Ocean’s Fury for Millions of Coastal Dwellers
Coral reefs harbor great diversity and absorb an amazing 97% of the energy from incoming waves. Restoration is < 1/10th the cost of building more breakwaters.
Marty Downs
Island Biogeography Theory Misses Mark for Tropical Forest Remnants
Species losses due to habitat fragmentation may be less bleak than predicted under the island biogeography theory, says a study of bat biodiversity in Costa Rica and Panama.
Marty Downs
Logging Carbon by Trailing Loggers
Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) is good for our carbon footprint, right? Not consistently, say Conservancy scientists studying logging practices in Indonesia.
Marty Downs