Science Writer
Page 28
Wiring Up the Caribbean: Designing Marine Protected Areas for Coral Reef Connectivity
New research shows how conservationists can better incorporate coral reef connectivity into marine protected areas.
Justine E. Hausheer
Snow Birds: 10 Birds to Look for in Winter
Winter birding isn’t easy, but it is amazing. If you’re ready to brave the cold, here are 10 winter-only species to search for this month.
Justine E. Hausheer
Weird Conservation: The Strange Side of Saving Endangered Species
When scientists need to save an endangered species, sometimes the solution is straightforward. But sometimes, conservation requires that you built a robot, search for poop, or devise a seemingly endless variety of techniques to collect animal semen. Nature is weird, but conservation is weirder.
Justine E. Hausheer
Protected Areas Are Falling Short for Migratory Birds
Compared to other species, the world’s nearly 10,000 birds receive a lot of conservation attention. But what if one of our most common conservation tools — protected areas — are failing to protect migratory spe
Justine E. Hausheer
Introducing the Australian Brushturkey
It's hideous, follows tourists around for snacks, and lays its eggs in a giant pile of rotting leaves like a dinosaur. Happy Thanksgiving from Down Under.
Justine E. Hausheer
Move Over Turkey: Meet the World’s Other Bald, Be-wattled Birds
Have you ever actually looked at a turkey? They’re cool, weird, and impressively ugly. But American Wild Turkeys aren’t the only ugly birds out there ⎯ with 10,000 avian species on Earth, the possibilities for ugly are endless.
Justine E. Hausheer
Can Helicopter-deployed Toad Sausages Save Australia’s Northern Quoll?
Australian scientists are teaching endangered northern quolls to avoid deadly cane toads by feeding them toad sausages laced with nausea-inducing chemicals. Yes, really.
Justine E. Hausheer
Migratory Songbirds Transport New Ticks & Pathogens Across the Gulf
New research reveals that neotropical songbirds are transporting an estimated 19 million ticks and tick-borne pathogens to the United States each year.
Justine E. Hausheer