Science Writer
Page 22
Fish Tales: Sourcing Recreational Fisheries Data from Newspaper Records
Scientists successfully used historical newspaper records to gather data on recreational fishing in Australia's Noosa Estuary, revealing declines in the fishery over time.
Justine E. Hausheer
New Protections & Tagged Turtles Provide Hope for the Arnavon Islands
A second round of satellite-tagged turtles provides more migration data, while the Arnavons rookery receives new protections to help prosecute poachers.
Justine E. Hausheer
Forest Soundscapes Hold the Key for Biodiversity Monitoring
New research from Nature Conservancy scientists indicates that forest fragmentation drives distinct changes in the dawn and dusk choruses of forests in Papua New Guinea.
Justine E. Hausheer
Traditional Knowledge Helps Monitor Threatened Bilbies on Martu Country
Scientists and indigenous rangers are designing a new method for monitoring threatened bilby populations in Australia's Martu country.
Justine E. Hausheer
Satellite-Tagged Sharks Provide New Data on Gulf Migrations
Follow Nature Conservancy scientists as they tag sharks in the Gulf of Mexico to better understand their migration.
Justine E. Hausheer
The Nomad’s Bookshelf: Essential Reads for the Traveling Naturalist
The Cool Green Science staff brings you their list of essential reading for the wanderlust-struck nature-lover.
Matthew L. Miller and Justine E. Hausheer
Video: A Sea Turtle’s View of the Reef
Go along for the ride with a green sea turtle as it explores a reef — and meets another turtle — in the Solomon Islands.
Justine E. Hausheer
Welcome to the Sea Turtle Rodeo
Join scientists and community rangers on a “turtle rodeo” to tag juvenile green turtles in the Solomon Islands.
Justine E. Hausheer