Science Writer
Page 19
From Academia to Action: Conservancy Science in Asia & the Pacific
Lead scientist Eddie Game shares his thoughts on what it means to be a science-based organization, and how Conservancy scientists help deliver on-the-ground impact.
Justine E. Hausheer
Deciding the Fate of Myanmar’s Forests
After decades of overharvesting, Myanmar’s forests teak are at a crisis point. But with recent political change comes great opportunity.
Justine E. Hausheer
Intense Human Pressure Threatens One-third of Protected Areas
Protected areas are the most common tool used by conservationists to protect biodiversity. But what if they don’t actually work?
Justine E. Hausheer
A Q&A with Eddie Game: How Acoustics Are Changing Conservation
Conservancy scientist Eddie Game explains how acoustics could revolutionize conservation data collection.
Justine E. Hausheer
In Pictures: A Journey Through Myanmar’s Great Teak Forests
A week spent living and working in an active logging camp deep in some of Myanmar’s best remaining teak forests where people are working to save their most valuable natural resource, before it’s too late.
Justine E. Hausheer
New Research: Savanna Burning for Global Emissions Reductions
New research from The Nature Conservancy demonstrates that savanna fire management has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Justine E. Hausheer
Tracking the Three-Legged Snow Leopard
Nature Conservancy scientists are collaring snow leopards in western Mongolia to help limit livestock predation and protect these rare cats.
Justine E. Hausheer
Poachers Are Killing Asian Elephants for Their Skin
Already besieged by habitat loss, Myanmar’s wild elephants face a new threat — poachers who hunt them for their skin.
Justine E. Hausheer