Science Writer
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What’s That Cloud? Your Guide to Cloudspotting
If you're curious about clouds, here are resources to get you started.
Justine E. Hausheer
Nature Nerd Trivia: Whales
Think twice before you invite me to your local trivia night. It’s not that I don’t like trivia (I love […]
Justine E. Hausheer
Dumpster Diving Helps Urban Wood Storks Survive
New research suggests that urban environments can act as a buffer for wetland bird species when natural food sources become unpredictable.
Justine E. Hausheer
Cassowary Quest: A Tale of Danger and Defecation
Cassowaries — and their massive piles of poop — are incredibly important to the rainforest ecosystems where they live.
Justine E. Hausheer
Think Pigeons Are Boring? Not These Birds
Neon pink pigeons? Rainbow-colored doves? These are 10 of our favorite pigeons and doves from around the world.
Justine E. Hausheer
The Crocodile Hunter Was My Childhood Hero
All conservationists have an origin story. For me, it was Steve Irwin.
Justine E. Hausheer
A Wildlife Lover’s Time Machine Wish List
If you could go back in time, what species would be on your wish list?
Justine E. Hausheer