Bananas to Bats: The Science Behind the First Bats Successfully Treated for White-Nose Syndrome

Last week, the first bats successfully treated for white-nose syndrome were released back into the wild. A look at the surprising science behind this good news story.

Last week, 75 bats successfully treated for white-nose syndrome were released back into the wild in Missouri – rare good news in what has become one of the gloomiest wildlife stories in North America.

White-Nose Syndrome (WNS), caused by a fungus, has devastated bat populations in the eastern United States since it first appeared here almost ten years ago. An estimated 5.7 million bats have died, and conservationists have scrambled to find solutions.

The bats released last week all had White-Nose Syndrome, and were successfully treated with a common bacterium that releases Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) with anti-fungal properties.

This hopeful story may be an important first step in managing WNS. And its scientific backstory is just as fascinating.

This innovative treatment’s development began not with bats, but with bananas.

That’s right: the bananas on your supermarket shelf play a surprising supporting role in bat conservation.

Research on delayed fruit ripening led to a surprising revelation. Photo: Steve Hopson,
Research on delayed fruit ripening led to a surprising revelation. Photo: Steve Hopson,

From Bananas to Bats

When researchers at Georgia State University began research on the common bacterium Rhodococcus rhodochrous they were not thinking about bats. They were not even thinking about fungi.

They were thinking about fruit. When bananas, peaches and other fruit are picked, the plants emit their own chemical signals. These begin the fruit’s ripening process.

When fruit has to be delivered thousands of miles to supermarkets – as is so often the case – it’s a race against time. The fruit can ripen and rot before it makes it to the store’s shelves.

Researchers were investigating the effectiveness of VOCs – emitted by the bacterium R. rhodochrous – in delaying ripening in fruit.

R. rhodochrous cultured in petri dishes at Georgia State University. Photo: © Kyle Gabriel, Georgia State University
R. rhodochrous cultured in petri dishes at Georgia State University. Photo: © Kyle Gabriel, Georgia State University

Researchers and graduate students began noticing another effect of these VOCs: fungus inhibition. The fruits exposed to the bacterium were not getting moldy.

Chris Cornelison was at the time a graduate student at Georgia State. He had been seeing the photos of dead bats piling up in caves, and a thought crossed his mind.

“I was standing there looking at a bucket of moldy bananas next to a bucket of bananas with no mold,” says Cornelison. “If the bacterium could be so effective on fungi on bananas, could it have similar effects on fungus on bats? It was one of those leaps of thought in science that maybe only a grad student could make.”

Cornelison, now a post-doctoral research associate at Georgia State, exposed petri dishes of the fungus that causes WNS (Pseudogymnoascus destructans) to the bacterium.

“The first exposure seemed too good to be true,” says Cornelison. “I had to test it five more times before I believed the results. It had dramatic effects on the fungus. It seemed like this could be a big step in managing white-nose syndrome.”

A Cooler Full of Bats

Other bat researchers and conservationists saw the potential for this bacterium and the potential to take action against a conservation issue that was frustratingly difficult to combat.

“When white-nose syndrome was first documented, we were scrambling to find information,” says Katie Gillies, director of the imperiled species program at Bat Conservation International (BCI). “We had to research the disease, understand how it works, how it spreads. But we also knew we had to take action.”

A number of partner organizations – including BCI, The Nature Conservancy and the U.S. Forest Service – worked with Georgia State researchers to test this bacterium as an initial tool to help manage WNS.

“In 2012, we tried our first crazy idea to build an artificial bat cave that could help us provide a hibernating place for bats that we could clean every year,” says Gina Hancock, state director for The Nature Conservancy in Tennessee. “Then when we formed a partnership with BCI, we kicked around what was the most promising work being done, and biocontrols came to the top of the list.”

Hancock notes that there was no public money being spent on this kind of research, so The Nature Conservancy and BCI sought proposals to accelerate the research.

P. destructans, the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome. Photo: © John Neville, Georgia State University
P. destructans, the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome. Photo: © John Neville, Georgia State University

At Georgia State, the laboratory results continued to be impressive. The next step was to test the bacterium on bats in a laboratory setting, and it worked. Bats suffering from WNS recovered.

Of course, the bacterium is essentially a biocontrol – a biological method of controlling an invasive species. As Cornelison notes, the use of biocontrol has a checkered history, one filled with unintended consequences.

The impacts of the bacterium on other native organisms would have to be fully vetted. But in the meantime, bats could be treated in a limited field setting.

First, bats suffering from various levels of WNS were collected in the wild. They are not actually treated with the bacterium; it’s the VOCs that have the anti-fungal properties.

The bats were placed in a mesh bags, then put in a large Yeti cooler containing plates of the bacterium. They stay there for 24 to 48 hours.

The treated bats were then placed in an enclosure in a wild cave, where they spent their hibernation. This spring, they were collected and tested for presence of WNS.

“We tested for their fungal load and compared that to the fungal load when we first captured them,” says plant pathologist Daniel Lindner, of the U.S. Forest Service’s Center for Forest Mycology Research. “The bats had no detectable signs of white-nose syndrome and could be released.”

Some of the bats had such severe wing damage from the fungus that they could not be released (these animals will serve as conservation ambassadors), but 75 were released at the Mark Twain Cave Complex in Hannibal, Missouri.

The bacterium does not cure WNS; it arrests the development of the fungus and inhibits its growth. But it is still a tremendous first step in finding ways to manage the disease.

(ALL RIGHTS) Bats in Hartman's Cave © George C. Gress / TNC
(ALL RIGHTS) Bats in Hartman’s Cave © George C. Gress / TNC

From Lab to Cave

Could this bacterium be used to treat caves? Yes, but first more tests are needed. The treatment has to be tested for potential toxicity to other cave organisms, including native fungi. (This is why fungicides have not been used to fight WNS; they typically kill all fungi, not just the harmful species).

“We have to make sure it’s not going to upset the cave’s delicate ecology,” says Lindner.

Once those tests are completed, how do conservationists actually treat a wild cave? Researchers are considered a nebulizer that pumps the VOCs into the cave. “It’s a very sophisticated version of a commercial grade air freshener, like what a hotel might use,” says Lindner.

It could lead to treatment of caves, mines and bunkers – potentially creating safe havens for bats. “In this trial, we had to touch every single bat,” says Gillies. “The goal is to optimize this tool so that we can treat a large number of bats without touching them.”

The nebulizer. Photo: © Kyle Gabriel, Georgia State University
The nebulizer. Photo: © Kyle Gabriel, Georgia State University

Even then, this tool will not eliminate WNS.

“This is one tool but we will need many more to manage this disease,” says Lindner. “But tools like this could help us manage the disease. It buys time for bats to adapt to the disease and develop resistance. That could prevent extinctions and allow healthy bat populations to rebound.”

For several years, talking to bat conservationists was an exercise in despair, in helplessness. WNS is still a major problem, and one that will continue to require innovation and research on a number of fronts.

But the sight of bats – bats that would have died of the disease – flying through the woods after successful treatment suggests a new chapter in this story. A new hope. “We are finally at the point where we can intervene on white-nose syndrome,” says Gillies. “It is not a silver bullet. We need more tools. But it is a first step. A huge first step.”

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  1. Paula Graham says:

    Wow! Great!
    I came across this article while looking for woods with certain tannins in hopes to build bat boxes that contain some ani-fungal agents to help them at least rest in a safe place and I don’t know if they over winter inside the bat boxes or not, but if so then a safe place to over winter.
    Do you think Bat boxes could be built to contain these VOC’s in hopes that they will prevent at least the fungus from thriving where they sleep in a controlled way?
    Please reply if you can, I would try to produce bat boxes that could do that if it were viable. I am from The Laurentians north of Montreal, where we always took great pleasure in watching the bats at night, come out like our personal hero’s to deplete the mosquito population. In recent years we haven’t seen a single bat all summer.

  2. Mark Watkins Murphy says:

    Hope for an effective treatment of a devastating problem here. Now how can the fruit bats of Australia be trained to return to caves? Is it presumptive that their ancestors were cave dwellers?

  3. Renie Brady says:

    This is a huge relief to hear about.

  4. Judy Cohen says:

    Such good news-thank you Geogia State University and Chris Cornelison! Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of bats, will be saved by your work. Thank you, thank you. Bats are marvelous creatures. I hope to put bat houses in the large ( almost an acre) yard of the house I bought and hope to be in soon!!!

  5. Jim S says:

    You may have missed the scientific discovery that caves sprayed with a weak solution of vinegar killed the bacteria. This may be added to the possible treatmeants you have discovered. Peace.

  6. Randy says:

    Congratulations everyone……… ! Staving off this terrifying scenario is massive. My Hats off to you all… My God crack the seal on a bottle and celebrate. ! These little animals are an integral part of the ecosystem and it is crucial to hold on the numbers still left and maintain these numbers as research continues on a more permanent cure.

  7. Patricia Beljanski Krugman says:

    Awesome. Observation and questions at a moment in time with the confidence to think one can make a difference is a powerful combination. Follow-through and determination seal the deal. Bananas. Nature. Delicious and mysteriously wonderful.

  8. Laurie Manning says:

    I am in Texas and work on rehabilitating injured bats. I am loving this article! Wishing you the best of luck and success on this journey.

  9. susan rossi says:

    truly fascinating article & would love to hear further how the research and findings! While I am not in the science field, I have been concerned about the bats and this illness for some time.

  10. Natasha Reece says:

    Could we put plates of this bacteria in home bat boxes ? That would be a way of keeping constant exposure on at least one family of bats at a time.



  12. Mary Ellen Kimble says:

    Yea for scientists! We miss our Little Brown Bats in Chautauqua, NY. first time in 40 years I had to swat at bugs while listening to the symphony.

  13. Lance Kounitz says:

    Bravo on this breakthrough! My wife and I live near Trenton, NJ and my house had a several bats living in our roof. They disappeared about five years ago and we have not seen a bat flying in our backyard since. Their absence has let the mosquitoes take over to a point that it is uncomfortable to be in our backyard on warm summer nights anymore. You get eaten up by the mosquitoes very quickly there. Hopefully with this breakthrough New Jersey will be enjoying the return of our nighttime flying friends very soon. We can hardly wait!

  14. Mary Miller says:

    Keep up the great work. We are interested in your success.

  15. SueE. says:

    Auto-Misters like they use in horse barns for fly control. Small, movable and fairly cheap.

    I used to have a fairly large colony here. Not a single one left. Miss them.